Who made Our Site?
Learn about who made this website.
Our Site was created by women and girls with disability.
We made it because women and girls with disability asked for a website like this.
More than 100 women with disability around Australia helped us create Our Site.
We would like to say thank you to all the women with disability who helped us create Our Site.
Our Site is managed by Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA).
WWDA is run by women with disability.
WWDA is a national advocacy organisation.
This means we stand up for the rights of women and girls with disability in Australia.
We also talk to government and help them make policies to better support women with disability.
Policies are government plans for how to do things.
You can join WWDA if you are:
It’s free to join.
You can find out more on the WWDA website.
You can also download the:
WWDA got the money to make Our Site from an NDIS Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant.
An ILC grant is money from the government for important work that helps people with disability.
If you have any questions about Our Site, you can contact us.