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What is menstruation?

Menstruation is bleeding from the vagina.

It happens once a month.

It’s also known as a period.

Once you start having a period, you can get pregnant.

A uterus, a calendar and blood

Most girls start having a period between 10–18 years old.

A girl pointing to herself. The numbers 10 to 18 are next to her

When you have a period, you can have:

  • stomach pains
  • constipation and diarrhoea
  • skin problems
  • changes in your mood.
A girl holding her head and her stomach

When you have a period, you can use:

  • pads or tampons
  • underwear that absorbs the bleeding
  • menstrual cups – a small soft cup that is put in your vagina to catch the blood.
A pad, a tampon and a menstrual cup

Your period might change if you:

  • lose or gain a lot of weight
  • use some types of contraception – products that help you have safer sex
  • go through menopause
  • are under alot of stress
  • have certain health issues.

If you are worried about changes to your period, you should talk to your doctor.

A calendar and blood with a change symbol next to it

You will not get your period while you are pregnant.

A pregnant woman

You can also go to the WWDA Youth: What is Menstruation website.

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