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In Australia, you have the right to:

  • go to court
  • take part in a fair trial.
Icon of Australia with judges hammer

Court is a place where a place where a judge and/or a jury solve legal problems.

Icon of a person in court looking at a judge

A trial is a legal way to work out:

  • if someone took part in a crime
  • what happens after someone has committed a crime.
Icon of prisoner with handcuffs and a question mark

People go to court for many different reasons, such as to:

  • claim money someone owes them
Image of a woman with her thumb up next to an icon of money
  • ask to be kept safe from violence
Icon of a shield with a thumbs up on it
  • tell your side of the story if the police think you took part in a crime
Image of a woman holding up her finger
  • be on a jury in another person’s court case
Icon of the jury
  • find out if the government will take your child away from you to keep them safe
Icon of a woman giving up her baby
  • work out who will have custody of a child if you have separated from their other parent.
Icon of an unsure woman and a man

If you have custody of your child, it means you are the main parent taking care of them.

icon of a woman and her baby

In Australia, we have different courts to deal with different things.

Icon of Australia court symbol and with judges hammer

We have:

  • federal courts for Australian laws
Icon of Australia with judges hammer and the federal court
  • state and territory courts for state and territory laws.

We explain these in more detail below.

Icon of Australia divided into states with court symbol

Federal courts

Icon of a young girl with a baby next to a warning sign

There are 4 federal courts.

1 – High Court of Australia

Icon of the high court

This court deals with issues about the constitution.

Icon of the constitution with an exclamation mark

The constitution is a set of rules for running the country.

Icon of the constitution

The High Court also deals with issues the other courts can’t deal with.

Image of a woman holding her hand up alongside a warning sign

2 – Federal Court of Australia

Icon of the Federal court and the map of Australia

This court deals with issues about businesses, like when they don’t pay their tax.

Icon of a building and money with a red cross on top

3 – Federal Circuit Court of Australia

Icon of the Federal Circuit Court

This court also deals with issues about businesses.

Icon of building and a shop

And it deals with some issues about:

  • people who move to Australia to live
Icon of Australia and a plane flying across
  • families
Image of a family

4 – Family Court

Icon of a family outside family court

This court deals with family issues, such as:

  • divorce – ending a marriage
Icon of a couple with a broken heart above
  • family violence
Icon of a clenched fist
  • child custody
Icon of an unsure woman and a man

State and territory courts

There are 5 main types of state and territory courts.

1 – Local Courts

Icon of a local court

These courts deal with most cases where people want to claim money less than $40,000.

Icon of $40,000 and a down arrow

They also deal with crimes such as:

  • theft
bank robber
  • drink driving
Icon of a car and alcohol

2 – Magistrates Courts

Icon of magistrates court

These courts deal with:

  • issues with children
Icon of a young girl with a baby next to a warning sign
  • people who owe money
Image of a woman with her thumb up next to an icon of money
  • issues at work
Icon of an unhappy woman next to a briefcase containing money

Some states also have Magistrates Courts just for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Icon of flags for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

3 – Children’s Courts

Icon of children's court

These courts deal with crimes:

  • against children
  • that children do
Icon of a young girl with a baby

4 – District Courts

Icon of the district court

These courts deal with appeals from Magistrates Courts.

Icon of a appeals document

An appeal is when someone asks for a decision to be:

  • looked at again
  • changed.
Image of two woman looking at a document

They might do this because they don’t like the decision a court made

Image of a woman with her thumb turned down

District Courts also deal crimes such as:

  • robbery
bank robber
  • sexual violence – when someone forces you to do something sexual without you saying it’s ok.
Icon of a coupe with a broken heart above

5 – Supreme Courts

These courts are the highest level of courts in each state and territory.

Icon of the supreme court

They only deal with very serious crimes.

Icon of handcuffs and a warning sign
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