Courts in Australia

In Australia, you have the right to:
Court is a place where a place where a judge and/or a jury solve legal problems.
A trial is a legal way to work out:
People go to court for many different reasons, such as to:
If you have custody of your child, it means you are the main parent taking care of them.
In Australia, we have different courts to deal with different things.
We have:
We explain these in more detail below.
There are 4 federal courts.
1 – High Court of Australia
This court deals with issues about the constitution.
The constitution is a set of rules for running the country.
The High Court also deals with issues the other courts can’t deal with.
2 – Federal Court of Australia
This court deals with issues about businesses, like when they don’t pay their tax.
3 – Federal Circuit Court of Australia
This court also deals with issues about businesses.
And it deals with some issues about:
4 – Family Court
This court deals with family issues, such as:
There are 5 main types of state and territory courts.
1 – Local Courts
These courts deal with most cases where people want to claim money less than $40,000.
They also deal with crimes such as:
2 – Magistrates Courts
These courts deal with:
Some states also have Magistrates Courts just for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
3 – Children’s Courts
These courts deal with crimes:
4 – District Courts
These courts deal with appeals from Magistrates Courts.
An appeal is when someone asks for a decision to be:
They might do this because they don’t like the decision a court made
District Courts also deal crimes such as:
5 – Supreme Courts
These courts are the highest level of courts in each state and territory.
They only deal with very serious crimes.