Your rights in court

If you go to court, you have the right to a fair trial.
A trial is a legal process that helps work out if someone:
A fair trial includes:
If you go to court, you have the right to have legal support with you.
You might have a lawyer.
You can find your own lawyer.
Or you can contact a community legal service to get a free lawyer.
You can find your closest community legal service on the Community Legal Centres Australia website.
In Australia we have some legal services that might help you, such as:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal services:
Other legal services:
If you go to court, you have the right to get information in a way you can understand.
This can include:
You also have the right to get support from someone who can help you understand information.
You might need:
An interpreter is someone who:
If you go to court, you have the right to be safe.
Security guards at the courts keep people safe.
Courts also have equipment to check what people bring into the building.
They might have:
You might feel worried about going to court if you will see someone who was violent towards you.
You should tell:
They can keep you safe.
For example, you might tell your story by video instead of going to the court.
You can find out more in the online toolkit for people with disability called, So you have to go to Court.