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What are the UN Conventions?

There are 8 UN documents that protect people’s rights in Australia.

These are called:

  • Conventions
  • Covenants
  • Declarations.
A document with UN and 8 lines on it and a rights document next to it

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

This Convention says that Australia will:

  • improve the rights of people with disability
  • protect people with disability from being treated badly
  • support people with disability to take part in the community.
A woman with disability with a rights document and a symbol for protection next to her

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

This Convention says that all women should have the same rights as men in all areas of life.

2 women with a rights document and a symbol for protection next to them

Convention the Rights of the Child

This Convention protects the rights of children.

It supports the right for children to have their say and share their ideas.

2 children with a rights document and a symbol for protection next to them

International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination

This Convention protects you from discrimination because of:

  • your race
  • where you come from
  • your culture.
3 people with a symbol for protection next to them

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

This Covenant protects your right to vote in elections that help choose who is part of Australia’s government.

It also protects your right to speak up about issues you care about.

A woman pointing at herself with a vote icon next to her

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

This Covenant protects your right to:

  • a good job where you are treated well
  • basic needs, like food, housing and clothes
  • healthcare
  • education
  • support from the government if you need it
  • spend time with your family
  • paid time off to care for children or your parents
  • take part in cultural events and celebrations.
A woman with 1 hand in the air and the other pointing to herself. There is a rights document and a symbol for protection next to her

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
or Punishment

This Convention protects you from torture.

Torture is when someone who has power over you does something to cause you a lot of pain.

This could be:

  • physical pain
  • emotional pain
  • mental pain.
A woman comforting another woman. There is a symbol for torture with a cross over it next to them

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (DRIP)

The DRIP applies to Indigenous peoples all around the world.

This includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia.

The DRIP says that Indigenous peoples have the right to their own:

  • cultures
  • traditions
  • languages.
A rights document and a symbol for protection with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags

Learn more about the UN Conventions at the on the Australian Government’s Attorney-General website

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